Tuesday, December 24, 2019
An Evaluation Of An Innovative Contribution Of My Work
Research Statement Mohamad S Hasan Modern technological advancements in automated data production have produced a large increase in the scale and resolution of data sets. In a statistical context, more information generates more hypothesis tests and opens new dimensions to discover the targeted questions. However, many of the tests are redundant and, hence, reduce the efficiency of the analysis. One potential solution to this problem is using external information to prioritize the hypothesis tests most likely to yield true positive effects. One means of doing so is p-value weighting. Many statistical methods have been proposed to up-weight and down-weight the p-value in a multiple hypotheses setting. None of them are satisfactory, which necessitate extensive research in this area. My methodological and theoretical research as well as a considerable portion of my applied work addresses this issue with regard to high throughput and big data. An innovative contribution of my work is the establishment of a new perspective on the analysis of high throughput data for which relative effect sizes are very low and the true effect is hard to detect with the usual statistical analysis, although external sources of information suggests otherwise. We proposed a method referred to as â€Å"Novel Optimal P-value weighting for High Throughput Data†. Many studies have that suggested diverse methodologies regarding the p-value weighting. Even though, theoretically, these approaches proposeShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Southern Mississippi848 Words  | 4 Pagesaccept this personal statement as a part of my application for the doctoral program in criminal justice starting the fall semester of 2016. The University of Southern Mississippi is my ideal location for the achievement of a doctoral degree. I would like to demonstrate my knowledge, experience, and research ability in the field of criminal justice and correctional studies. Having majored in the discipline as a former graduate student, I wan t to further my education to assist and promote future changesRead MoreManaging Entreprise On Health Care Sector1697 Words  | 7 Pageshealth care sector. Moreover, social entrepreneurs, use their innovative ideas to solve society’s most pressing social problems and issues and suggest new ideas and interventions for a change that leads to success. Apart from these changes also brings new opportunities and provide most suitable risk management strategies to create a better and healthy environment. In this assignment I would like to submit a report of entrepreneurship to my senior management in a mental health care sector where I workedRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards930 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) within my school environment. Based on the information in Issues in K-12 Education Case Study Document 5, there are numerous issues concerning CCSS that a principal must consider for their school to be successful. These issues include: federal jurisdiction over curricula, the time allotted for implementation of federal standards, the impact of test results on professional development and teacher evaluations, and the possible elimination of other essentialRead MoreA Basic Assessment of Hildegard Peplaus Theory Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesBy giving nurses a sense of identity, nursing theory can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize the unique contribution that nurses make to the healthcare service (Draper 1990).Hildegard Peplau, one of the role model of nursing theorist, established a theory of interpersonal relationships in nursing. Her reason is the goal of the nurse-client relationship is to give a quality nursing care moving forward to health promotion and maintenance. 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This will begin with an executive summary of the business idea to include details of the location, industry, and marketing segments for the product initiative. Following this includes the business vision and mission statements, both with objectives aligned towards the businesses futureRead MoreBudget Review : The Budget Essay749 Words  | 3 PagesBudget Review II †¢ I again, explored and studied the financial plan of my local government, Albany-Dougherty County, GA. Dougherty County was formed from Baker County through an act of the Georgia General Assembly (Dougherty County Finance Department, 2015) in 1853. Dougherty County is named after Judge Charles Dougherty a judge out of Athens, GA. Through review of the 2010 census, I discovered that there is approximately 326 square miles of land in the county and population of 94,565 people (CityRead MoreEnvironmental Impact On The Environment1581 Words  | 7 PagesMade in Brunel products are thought to be the most innovative products around the global. Its quality is of high standards and can be accepted all over. Made in Brunel is composed of engineers and experts with experience who showcase a product that is tailored to make the difference in the life of people. The temperature twisted kettle is of high quality and meet the Made in Brunel standards. This kettle is portable, robust and durab le. As Made in Brunel (2011) stated; Consumers are increasinglyRead MoreBest practices in ensuring quality, speed, and flexibility in organization.1534 Words  | 7 Pagesrisk management, record management training, and document management. Along with providing a brief summary of each practice, I will be identify an organization using each practice, and I will then evaluate my own organization based on these practices and offer recommendations for converting my organizations existing practices to one or more of the practices found in the research. Part A Total quality management (TQM) Total quality management (TQM) is the holistic approach that covers all aspectsRead MorePersonality and Decision-Making Essay1686 Words  | 7 Pagesapplication of personality theories. According to Chapman (2012), â€Å"Personality theories are immensely helpful in achieving greater self-awareness, and in helping yourself and others to develop personal potential, effectiveness and fulfillment, at work and in life as a whole†(p. 1). Moreover, there are exhaustive personality theories available that concentrate on various aspects of human personality (Chapman, 2012). For example, personality traits theory seeks to define personality based on the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Motivational Essay Free Essays
Motivational Essay What is â€Å"Motivation†? Motivation means the desire to do something, or having interest or drive. People need motivation to do things that they have no interest or drive to do. For me as an example, I need motivation to get up early every morning, to go to school, or even going to the gym. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivational Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I used to have problems doing things because I never had any motivation to do anything, No friends to be there when I needed them. They we’re always busy. So I had to figure out something. I searched many ways to bring my life to order, Some of them worked in the short run, but nothing truly fulfilled the requirement of life peace. A few months ago this all began to change. I started a daily workout schedule; I have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week , I’ve been going for almost a year. I started a healthy diet, I don’t eat out as much as I used to. I used to eat McDonald’s, Burger king , Carl’s Jr. very day . Now all my food is home cooked, and I quit smoking cigarettes because I have asthma and also did it, to better my health, and to this day it has brought stability to my personal life as well as my social life . I also decided to change up my studying habits in which it helped me motivate myself. Developing better study habits will help me with my course of study because it will better prepare me for any assignments or exams that are given in the future. In the past, and even sometimes now I have had a frequent problem of procrastination, and because of this I lack both rest and preparation to either finish my homework or do well on my tests. Beginning either my studies or assignments early on will help me drastically because dividing the workload within several days will help me retain information more effectively, as compared to all in one night. In conclusion of it all, I figured out my balance to life. I overcame my motivational barrier and prove to everyone that only I can, (as my own personal source) be the only one to change my life up and change for the better. How to cite Motivational Essay, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Socrates in Apology free essay sample
A paper which analyzes Socrates philosophy on life and death using Platos Apology. The paper shows how Socrates philosophy on life and death is seen so clearly through Platos Apology. It describes the event where Socrates is charged of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens and shows how in his speech Socrates gives his reasons for his so called Socratic method, and the impassioned self-defense of Socratic way of life. Thus for Socrates a wise man is the one who knows about his ignorance, because he knows that he does not know anything. That is why we never see Socrates advocating anything in any of his dialogues and he doesnt expose his interlocutors ignorance in order to prove himself right or about his own doctrine. Socrates say that he doesnt know the answer either and that he is questioning that someone might provide him with better answers. We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates in Apology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some take this claim to ignorance to be irony but I think there is strong evidence that he is sincere in his search for truth.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Essay Example
Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Essay Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Guy de Maupassant wrote the short story entitled â€Å"Two Friends†. The story starts out employing the reader to think about war and disaster, and then to completely lose themselves back in time, to a simple beautiful life of friendship and beauty. The ending of the story brings the reader back into reality, back to a tragic time when war was a reality, and death was the outcome. Maupassant was easily able by his words, to engage the reader from a time of disaster to a time of kindness, serenity, and friendship. Maupassant starts this story out by describing how â€Å"Besieged Paris was in the throes of famine†. By describing how sparse food was he sets the stage for the outing between two friends. The author continues to describe in detail two men, who in a more pleasant time, enjoyed each other’s company on a weekly fishing jaunt. Hence, a way of obtaining food in a time of famine. The two men in the story, Monsieur Morissot and Monsieur Sauvage, were taken back in time, remembering the days of peace and of the days when they were able to freely fish at their leisure together, while enjoying wine. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The author continues to describe the setting in detail and by doing this he makes the reader feel like he is in the setting. Morissot and Sauvage decide after having too much wine, they will forget about the tragedy going on and once again go fishing. The reader then begins to feel the danger of the jaunt as Maupassant starts to describe the men walking to their fishing spot. Morissot and Sauvage begin to face realization of the danger to obtain this one pleasure they adore. A strip of bare ground remained to be crossed before they could gain the river bank. They ran across this, and, as soon as they were at the water’s edge, concealed themselves among the dry reeds†. They had made it to their favorite fishing spot. Once relieved they were there, they once again were able to forget their surroundings and begin to fish. Moreover, their desire to go back in time, caused them to drop their guard and fish. Once again Maupassant engages the reader to a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere only to again capture reality of war and tragedy. The two men were found and captured by the enemy. German soldiers had found them and taken them as prisoners. The Prussian Officer stated: You must know that, in my eyes, you are two spies sent to reconnoitre me and my movements. Naturally I capture you and I shoot you. You pretend to be fishing, the better to disguise your real errand. You have fallen into my hands, and must take the consequences. Such is war. The Prussian Officer gave them the offer to provide a password to save their lives, and each man did not betray their home or the other person. While preparing to lose their lives, Monsieur Morissot and Monsieur Sauvage stood their ground and retained their respect. They told each other goodbye, and shook hands. They were killed by the enemy and through into the river from which they obtained so much pleasure through the years. â€Å"The officer, calm throughout, remarked, with grim humor: â€Å"It’s the fishes’ turn now! The story closes with the Prussian Officer ordering his men to take the fish Morissot and Sauvage had caught and â€Å"Have these fish fried for me at once, while they are still alive; they’ll make a tasty dish. †Works Cited Author’s last name, first name. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year. Author’s last name, first name. â€Å"Title of Article. †Title of Publication Date Published: Pages. Author’s last name, first name. â€Å"Title of Online Article. †Title of Online Publication Version (Year Published): Pages. Date Accessed lt;Web addressgt;. â€Å"Title of Article. †Title of Media. CD-ROM. City: Publisher, Year. Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Essay Example Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Essay Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part Guy de Maupassant wrote the short story entitled â€Å"Two Friends†. The story starts out employing the reader to think about war and disaster, and then to completely lose themselves back in time, to a simple beautiful life of friendship and beauty. The ending of the story brings the reader back into reality, back to a tragic time when war was a reality, and death was the outcome. Maupassant was easily able by his words, to engage the reader from a time of disaster to a time of kindness, serenity, and friendship. Maupassant starts this story out by describing how â€Å"Besieged Paris was in the throes of famine†. By describing how sparse food was he sets the stage for the outing between two friends. The author continues to describe in detail two men, who in a more pleasant time, enjoyed each other’s company on a weekly fishing jaunt. Hence, a way of obtaining food in a time of famine. The two men in the story, Monsieur Morissot and Monsieur Sauvage, were taken back in time, remembering the days of peace and of the days when they were able to freely fish at their leisure together, while enjoying wine. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Two Friends, Until Death Do Us Part specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The author continues to describe the setting in detail and by doing this he makes the reader feel like he is in the setting. Morissot and Sauvage decide after having too much wine, they will forget about the tragedy going on and once again go fishing. The reader then begins to feel the danger of the jaunt as Maupassant starts to describe the men walking to their fishing spot. Morissot and Sauvage begin to face realization of the danger to obtain this one pleasure they adore. A strip of bare ground remained to be crossed before they could gain the river bank. They ran across this, and, as soon as they were at the water’s edge, concealed themselves among the dry reeds†. They had made it to their favorite fishing spot. Once relieved they were there, they once again were able to forget their surroundings and begin to fish. Moreover, their desire to go back in time, caused them to drop their guard and fish. Once again Maupassant engages the reader to a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere only to again capture reality of war and tragedy. The two men were found and captured by the enemy. German soldiers had found them and taken them as prisoners. The Prussian Officer stated: You must know that, in my eyes, you are two spies sent to reconnoitre me and my movements. Naturally I capture you and I shoot you. You pretend to be fishing, the better to disguise your real errand. You have fallen into my hands, and must take the consequences. Such is war. The Prussian Officer gave them the offer to provide a password to save their lives, and each man did not betray their home or the other person. While preparing to lose their lives, Monsieur Morissot and Monsieur Sauvage stood their ground and retained their respect. They told each other goodbye, and shook hands. They were killed by the enemy and through into the river from which they obtained so much pleasure through the years. â€Å"The officer, calm throughout, remarked, with grim humor: â€Å"It’s the fishes’ turn now! The story closes with the Prussian Officer ordering his men to take the fish Morissot and Sauvage had caught and â€Å"Have these fish fried for me at once, while they are still alive; they’ll make a tasty dish. †Works Cited Author’s last name, first name. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year. Author’s last name, first name. â€Å"Title of Article. †Title of Publication Date Published: Pages. Author’s last name, first name. â€Å"Title of Online Article. †Title of Online Publication Version (Year Published): Pages. Date Accessed lt;Web addressgt;. â€Å"Title of Article. †Title of Media. CD-ROM. City: Publisher, Year.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Jane Eyre and the Balance of Emotions Essays
Jane Eyre and the Balance of Emotions Essays Jane Eyre and the Balance of Emotions Essay Jane Eyre and the Balance of Emotions Essay Essay Topic: Jane Eyre The Giver Charlotte Bronte was a remarkable English Victorian novelist celebrated for her ability to articulate social commentary in her works of love and courtship. Jane Eyre is no exception. In the novel, Bronte conveys the importance of tempering passions with self-control in order to balance desire and need. The protagonist and narrator, Jane Eyre, constantly battles with her conflicting feelings of intense passion, her strive for personal freedom, and restrictive social conventions. Jane Eyre must reconcile her temper and contradictory desires to interface her fierce sense of independence and autonomy and her desperate desire for communion. Bronte begins to disentangle the contradictory yearnings and emotions of Jane Eyre by acknowledging the relationship of Jane and Edward Rochester. In chapter 27, Jane’s moral integrity is tested when Rochester attempts to persuade Jane to stay with him despite his marriage to Bertha Mason. Jane replies, â€Å"I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself†(273). Although tempestuous, Jane recognizes that staying with Rochester would mean compromising herself. She asserts her worth regardless of others. Personal freedom is an indispensable theme of Jane Eyre. Throughout the novel, Jane struggles to find autonomy. As an orphan, she is restricted, terrorized by her cousins and aunt. As the novel progresses, she becomes entwined with Rochester, stymieing Jane’s search for freedom. Towards the end of the novel, Jane can come to terms with her independence as she detaches herself from those burdeni ng her and seeks out other independent-minded people. Additionally, Bronte addresses Jane’s dependence on religion in regards to the novel’s assessment of the contradictions between passionate feeling and judgment. Jane claims she, â€Å"will keep the law given by God; sanctioned by man†(273). Jane sees God as the giver of the laws by
Friday, November 22, 2019
Qing Dynasty, Chinas Last Imperial Family
Qing Dynasty, China's Last Imperial Family Chinas last imperial family, the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), was ethnically Manchu rather than Han Chinese, the vast majority of the nations population. The dynasty emerged in Manchuria, northern China, in 1616 under the leadership of Nurhaci of the Aisin Gioro clan. He renamed his people the Manchu; they were previously known as the Jurchen. The Manchu dynasty took control of Beijing in 1644 with the fall of the Ming Dynasty. Their conquest of the rest of China ended only in 1683, under the famed Kangxi Emperor. Fall of the Ming Dynasty Ironically, a Ming general who had formed an alliance with the Manchu army invited them into Beijing in 1644. He wanted their assistance in ousting an army of rebellious peasants led by Li Zicheng, who had captured the Ming capital and were trying to set up a new dynasty in accordance with the tradition of the Mandate of Heaven, the divine source of authority for China’s early kings and emperors. After they reached Beijing and evicted the Han Chinese peasant army, the Manchu leaders decided to stay and create their own dynasty rather than restore the Ming. The Qing Dynasty assimilated some Han ideas, such as using the civil service exam system to promote capable bureaucrats. They also imposed some Manchu traditions on the Chinese, such as requiring men to wear their hair in the long braid, or queue. However, the Manchu ruling class held themselves apart from their subjects in many ways. They never intermarried with Han women, and Manchu noblewomen did not bind their feet. Even more than the Mongol rulers of the Yuan Dynasty, the Manchus largely stayed separate from the greater Chinese civilization. Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries This separation proved a problem in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the western powers and Japan began to impose themselves increasingly on the Middle Kingdom. The Qing were unable to stop the British from importing massive amounts of opium into China, a move intended to create Chinese addicts and shift the balance of trade in the UKs favor. China lost both Opium Wars of the mid-19th century- the first with Britain and the second with Britain and France- and had to make embarrassing concessions to the British. As the century wore on and Qing China weakened, other countries, including France, Germany, the U.S., Russia, and even former tributary state Japan, made increasing demands for trade and diplomatic access. This sparked a wave of anti-foreigner sentiment in China encompassing not only the invading western traders and missionaries but also the Qing emperors themselves. In 1899-1900, it exploded into the Boxer Rebellion, which initially targeted the Manchu rulers as well as other foreigners. Empress Dowager Cixi eventually was able to convince Boxer leaders to ally with the regime against the foreigners, but once more, China suffered a humiliating defeat. The defeat of the Boxer Rebellion was the death knell for the Qing Dynasty. It limped on until 1911, when the Last Emperor, the child ruler Puyi, was deposed. China descended into the Chinese Civil War, which was interrupted by the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II and continued until the Communists victory in 1949. Qing Emperors This list of Qing emperors shows their birth names, imperial names where applicable, and years of rule: Nurhaci, 1616-1636Huang Taiji, 1626-1643Dorgon, 1643-1650Fulin, Shunzhi Emperor, 1650-1661Xuanye, Kangxi Emperor, 1661-1722Yinzhen, Yongzheng Emperor, 1722-1735Hongli, Qianlong Emperor, 1735-1796Yongyan, Jiaqing Emperor, 1796-1820Minning, Daoguang Emperor, 1820-1850Yizhu, Xianfeng Emperor, 1850-1861Zaichun, Tongzhi Emperor, 1861-1875Zaitian, Guangxu Emperor, 1875-1908Puyi, Xuantong Emperor, 1908-1911
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Jesus, Antigone and Augustine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Jesus, Antigone and Augustine - Essay Example This paper shall seek to look at the figures of Antigone, Jesus Christ and Augustine. These three figures fought against established forms of authority. What is significant about this collection of revolutionaries is that all three of them adopted methods that were not violent. All three of them were however, practitioners of very different methods and controversies remain as to the reasons as to why these three employed the methods of resistance that they employed. Antigone is a fictional character created by the great playwright Sophocles. His characterization of Antigone was meant to evoke strong reactions. On the other hand are Jesus and Augustine, both of whom are historical characters about whom most information is present, however, in the form of legends. Augustine is more of a historical character than Jesus, since information regarding him survives in the form of his writings. Jesus Christ was a person who lived during the times of the Roman Empire was a Jew who was consider ed to be the messiah of the Jews. The Jews in the Roman Empire lived under the control of the Roman Empire and were resentful of the control of whom they considered to be foreigners. Jesus, according to the Bible, was the Messiah (Mark 8: 27-32). He claimed to be the son of God and thus divine. He, according to the Bible, was the person who had taken on the form of man in order to wash off the sins of mankind and provide him with redemption. According to writers like John Milton, he was to be considered to have volunteered to save man from eternal perdition by laying down his own life voluntarily. By voluntarily undergoing a gruesome death at the cross, Jesus would act the role of the sacrificial lamb and thus free mankind from the original sin. Milton talks of the beginning of this story in his great work Paradise Lost (Milton). This account of the life of Jesus is however, not a strictly historical one. Historically, he is considered by many to have been a member of the Jewish com munity that was oppressed by the Roman Empire. He was a religious leader who sought to change the dynamics of power as they existed between the Roman officials and Empire and the Jews and the other original inhabitants of what is known today as Israel. Jesus’ contribution to the liberation of the people f Israel is considered to be seminal and this is considered by some to be the reason as to why he was deified by some. Antigone, on the other hand, is an almost completely fictional character. She is present in the work Antigone, by Sophocles. The importance of the character can be gauged from the fact that she is the titular character in the play. She also is the character who provides the play with its thematic thrust with an emphasis on the resistance to the established powers of the state. She is the daughter of Oedipus, who was once the king of Thebes and Jocasta, who was also the mother of Oedipus. The Oedipal tale is one of how man is unable to change his own fate. The tale of Antigone is however, that of one who makes an effort despite this knowledge, to change her fate. The very existence f Antigone is a challenge to the traditional social structures of her time, since she is the product of incest. Hers is a situation where her mother and her grandmother are the same person. This situation is according to conventional understandings of events, an unnatural one and Antigone is thus, a challenge to the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Germany's holocaust memorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Germany's holocaust memorial - Essay Example Besides, the foretold memorial is situated near to the underground secret chamber of Adolph Hitler, the mastermind behind Jewish Holocaust. In my opinion, the best possible way to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust is to construct a memorable monument. Mark Godfrey makes clear that the German government paid respect to the Holocaust survivors by inviting them to the inauguration of Holocaust Memorial in Berlin (Godfrey 239). The Holocaust Memorial is helpful for the younger generation in Germany and the whole world to remember the cruelty faced by Jewish population in central Europe. Besides, a solid symbol (say, a memorial monument) of genocide is most effective to cultivate the feeling of universal brotherhood in human minds. I consider that the initiative taken by German citizens like Lea Rosh and Eberhard Jaeckel is symbolic of the German culture of remembrance. But in 1980s (exact year: 1989), Berlin was in East Germany. The fall of German wall accelerated the effort to construct a memorial for the victims of the Holocaust. So, I consider the construction of Holocaust Memorial as the German culture of remembrance and historical consciousness. As pointed out earlier, the unification of Germany ignited national feeling among the people. For instance, the opening of Holocaust Memorial in the year of 2005 is symbolic of a unified Germany. Besides, the expenditure of the foretold memorial was around 20 Million Pounds. But this did not distract the Germans from paying apt tribute to the victims of Holocaust. Now, the Holocaust Memorial is open to all visitors without any discrimination and entrance fee. So, I consider that the Holocaust Memorial in Germany is symbolic of the German culture of honoring the victims of genocide, remembrance, nationalism and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
IBM preparing Essay Example for Free
IBM preparing Essay IBM is preparing an exciting internship opportunity for those interested in careers in global technology, and we invite you, as a newly-hired undergraduate consultant, to encourage your friends and classmates to apply with us for their own chance to take part in this pilot program. IBM, Global Business Service plans to open its internship program to include undergraduate students. While we have special interest in grooming our newly-hired undergraduate consultants into such positions, IBM also wants to hear about other promising college students. This is where you, as one of our best and brightest collegiates, can help by guiding those you feel can fit into our work life and mission statement to apply at our website for an internship. This new program will even further help our mission â€Å"to develop analytics, tools and techniques for enabling more effective talent management and driving novel solutions for IBM and our clients. †There are many benefits of any IBM internship position, and opening this up to more undergraduates will really help student careers. Prestigious graduate schools, domestic and international technology firms, and IBM itself look for undergraduate students who demonstrate an ability to be set apart from their peers while succeeding. IBM, Global Business Service’s internships will offer hands-on experience to a segment of the college population that is often neglected in higher technological learning opportunities, and perhaps help create future leaders for the company. Most colleges will also likely permit credit and even financial aid, in addition to your IBM benefits and compensation, if your classmates are accepted for these experiences. There are also possibilities for travel and even full-time jobs for successful interns. Take a chance on your future through helping someone else find career direction toward IBM and do not hesitate to keep this upcoming internship in mind for your future plans as needed. Any time you join forces with IBM as you work to a long-lasting technology career is a good move for your future. We consider all our interns, consultants, and employees the best of the best, and we trust that they will help us by finding more excellent people to help make IBM’s mission remain true. Sincerely, Internship Manager. Reference: Our Mission. (2009). Retrieved March 25, 2009 from IBM Research: http://domino. research. ibm. com/comm/research_projects. nsf/pages/workforce. mission. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
John Worthing Critique :: essays research papers
I chose to evaluate the acting of Jason Dormeyer, who played John Worthing. I want to say first of all that even though the main points mentioned in this paper will be negative, the performance of Jack was quite convincing and carried out very well.      The actor seemed very uptight whenever he was on stage. Luckily, being uptight works with the character of Jack. His jaw and his neck seemed to be tense during the performance. Jason’s voice, however, does not seem to suffer because of that. The fact that he is uptight tends to put me on edge in the audience. I started to feel less comfortable and get somewhat tense because of this.      Jason rushes too much. He needs to slow down and enunciate more to make his lines more audible. I don’t want him to lose any of the energy that he has, but I do wish that he would take more time to give more clarity to the words. A good example of this is the way that the line, â€Å"†¦while I’m in this horrible trouble,†is rushed trough. I believe that the line is in the second act during the muffin scene. It was not hard to figure out what was being said, but it did take more effort to understand.      The clarity of Jack’s relationships was good. Jack and Algernon were definitely friends that have known each other for a while. They were comfortable enough with each other to argue and tell faults, while knowing that they would still remain friends. Jack was also very clear on his relationship with Gwendolyn. She was obviously of romantic interest with him because of the way he saw to her every need. A good example is when she first walks in and Jack says, â€Å"you are quite perfect Miss Fairfax.†This is also displayed well when Jack fills Gwendolyn’s teacup. He jumps up with great haste when she hands the cup to him. I was confused on the relationship with Lady Bracknell, though. She was clearly Jacks superior, yet Jack acted somewhat indifferent and overconfident while talking to her about his childhood and social standing. I felt that he could have been reminded of his social standing at times like the â€Å"Good morning!†line. J ack is trying to obtain consent to marry her daughter.      The age of John Worthing was very consistent throughout the play.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Diana: Story of a Princess
Princess Diana was paradoxical human personality that epitomizes determined humanitarian figure and a beautiful woman who hankers after fame and luxurious lifestyle. She was born as Lady Diana Frances Spencer on 1 July 1961 at Park House near Sandringham, Norfolk. She was the daughter of 8th Earl Spencer of Althorp. She was the youngest among two sisters, Sarah and Jane, and had a younger brother, Charles. She got her primary education at a preparatory school, Riddlesworth Hall at Diss, Norfolk, and further at a boarding school, West Heath, near Sevenoaks, Kent.Diana married Prince Charles on July 29, 1981 at St Paul's Cathedral but separated her ways in 1992. She held an important place in history due to her royal marriage with Price Charles and pathetic parting of ways. She is also acclaimed as an international humanitarian figure. Her marriage is the most celebrated and cherished marriages of the world as the Archbishop of Canterbury rightly said, â€Å"Here is the stuff of which fairy tales are made. †But it also brought her the pathos and afflictions. Prince Charles still had an amorous affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles.This betrayal shattered her whole self and she attempted suicide several times. Later she diverted her attention to the charity work and soon became an international aid worker. She worked assiduously for charitable causes around the world and charity. In the domestic sphere, she worked to expose the problems of homeless and also disabled people. While in the international sphere, she vigorously worked for a ban on the production and use of land mines. For this purpose, she visited Angola and other countries affected with land mines but her decision to visit Bosnia was a daring step as country was afflicted with war at that time.Although she possessed a complex and intricate personality but her overall personal aura, her renowned and distinct style and her charitable works enabled her to win the status of a celebrity rather than a m ere royalty. Her charitable work, especially to support the humanitarian services for the third world countries, is the most admirable characteristic of her personality. â€Å"Diana: Story of a Princess,†by Craig and Clayton offers a balanced view about Princes Diana.It is not mere a eulogy and plain fact narration but it delves deep into the motives of Diana’s acts. It further provides the other side’s view for example the inconvenience that Charles experienced he entered in marriage with Diana. It further narrates her motivations to join charity services i. e. to get fame and to divert her from matrimonial worries. Overall, this book encompasses all the events and psychological turmoil of Diana’s being in an illustrative and lucid way. References Clayton, Tim. & Craig, Phil. Diana: Story of a Princess. Atria. 2003
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mexican Americans Essay
I feel that it is important in becoming an elementary teacher with special education that we study and teach about Mexican-American history and culture. The first article that I am going to talk is called, â€Å"Integrating Mexican-American History and Culture into Social Studies Classroom†. The article talks about how Mexican-American are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States and also the least educated. The article also gives important information on how to prepare teachers for introducing the Mexican-American culture and history in the classroom and school. I feel that it is important in becoming an elementary teacher with special education that we study and teach about Mexican-American history and culture. The first article that I am going to talk is called, â€Å"Integrating Mexican-American History and Culture into Social Studies Classroom†. The article talks about how Mexican-American are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States and also the least educated. The article also gives important information on how to prepare teachers for introducing the Mexican-American culture and history in the classroom and school. My second article is titled, â€Å"A New Latino Underclass†. This article talks about the Hispanic culture, whether they are American born or an immigrant. The main focus of the article is about assimilation. Heather Mac Donald talks about how illegal immigration is just worsening the Hispanics culture, and how it is taking a turn for the worst. The Mexican-Americans are assimilating their culture with the culture from Mexico. The problem is that the immigrants from Mexico do not want to assimilate the American culture with their own culture. The article also talks about the rise of gangs and how some of the parents support it. It stresses on how gangs are affecting the drop out rate among Hispanics. â€Å"Integrating Mexican-American History and Culture into the Social Studies Classroom†is the first article I am going to discuss. The article starts out talking about how important it is to teach Mexican-American culture in the school. â€Å"Parents value the importance of education for their children, but they don’t always agree with the school’s approaches to teaching and learning, nor accept the secular values as appropriate for their family. †(Escamilla, 1992) Teaching the content of Mexican-American culture helps improve the student’s self esteem. â€Å"Studies have suggested that positive ethnic affiliation among Mexican-Americans (and other groups) greatly influences individual development in many ways, including: lifestyle choices, values, opinions, attitudes, and approaches to learning. â€Å"( Gollnick & Chinn, 2006ollnick & Chinn, 2006) The article also stresses how important it is for the student to study other cultures. This idea is through the term Multicultural education which â€Å"is an educational strategy in which students’ cultural backgrounds are used to develop effective classroom instruction and school environments. †(Gollnick & Chinn, 2006) It is important for the entire student body to ethnic literacy. â€Å"Ethnic literacy allows all students to understand their uniqueness, to understand the complexities of ethnicity and culture, and to take pride in who they are as people. †(Escamilla, 1992) The textbook talks about ethnicity and brings up the term ethnic group or ethnic identity. These terms mainly describe a persons’ national origin, religion, race, and may also include gender class and lifestyles. The article then goes on to talk about how important the teacher’s preparation is to present the material. One of the main problems is that only 30% of the teacher faculty is non-white, but a lot of times in urban districts 70% of the student body is non white. That will play an important part of the resources a teacher and school can afford to buy. The way students’ attitudes about themselves, others, and their school depend on the way they are shaped at school. The Mexican-American students will benefit greatly from getting to learn about their culture, but other cultures at the same time. â€Å"It is important to have cultural relativism, which means we need to learn more about are own cultural than is require. †(Gollnick & Chinn, 2006) Learning and respecting other people’s culture means crossing over cultural borders, which is very important in a multicultural school. The second article, â€Å"A Latino Underclass†talks about gang violence among Hispanics. Gang violence is rising tremendously among Mexican-Americans. The author believes that there is some type assimilation going, but to all the worst element of American life. There has been a debate on whether Mexican immigrants are trying to assimilate into the American culture or not. â€Å"Part of the reason for the gang violence according to David O’ Connell, pastor of the church next door to the Soledad Enrichment Charter School, which is the vortex of LA’s youth gang culture, has been fighting gangbanging for over a decade. †â€Å"Hispanic children feel that they have to deal with problems themselves, apart from their parents, according to Mr. O’Connell, and they â€Å"do so in violent ways. †(Mac Donald, 2004) The parents are even sometimes scared of their own children. The children seem to go towards a cultural of violence at an early age. Constant illegal immigration is playing a big part in all of this. Cultural pluralism seems to be what the immigrants are doing from Mexico, they want to live in America but only practice the cultural ways of Mexico. The article talks about a component of underclass behavior that causes school failure. Hispanics have the greatest drop out numbers in America about 30% compared to 13% black and 7% whites. â€Å"Every parent I spoke to said that she wanted her children to do well in school and go to college. †â€Å"Hispanic parents are the kind of parents that leave it to others,†explains an unwed Salvadoran welfare mother in Santa Ana. (Mac Donald, 2004) The constant flow of Mexicans in America is bringing down the Hispanic education levels, 30% of foreign-born populations in the United States is Mexicans. I found both of the articles on the internet. I was looking for something to do with Mexican-American culture and school. I feel both of the articles relate to each other very well. In the first article they talk about how important it is to study Mexican-American culture, but also to study and understand other cultures. They believe this will help Mexican-Americans stay in school and learn better. The second article talks about how Mexicans are coming from Mexico and not assimilating their culture with American culture, therefore causing a large drop out rate in school. This is very important to understand as a teacher because we need to try and fix the problems of children dropping out of school. If we try to educate them on how to respect different peoples cultures, but also have respect for their own. Maybe they will find learning a lot more interesting and want to be in school. It is also important for them to be able to function in the world with people of all different colors. I believe as a future teacher that no matter what subject I am teaching, there is always a way to keep a multicultural classroom. This topic was interesting to me because this is an ongoing issue that the media has been talking about for years. I don’t believe it is going to go away before I become a teacher. It is important to learn about issues that are going on with the student so that we can better understand what they are going through. Understanding what they are going through will help the teachers help them with issues. The issue is important for all teachers to know about because most of them will have a student of the Hispanic culture in their class. References Escamilla, K. (1992). Integrating Mexican-American History and Culture Into The Social Studies Classroom. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from http://www. ericdigests. org/1992-2mexican. htm Gollnick, D. , & Chinn, P. (2006). In Debra Stollenwerk (Ed. ), Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Heather Mac Donald. (2004, July 25). Retrieved October 10, 2007, from The Dallas Morning News, a Latino Underclass Web site: http://www. manhatten-institute. org/html/_dmn-new_latino_underclass. htm.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Struggles Throughout History
In this paper you will read my important points that I have chosen. The points that I have chosen were, Amendment Thirteen, The Freedman’s Bureau, The Civil Rights Act of 1866, and The Ku Klux Klan. As you read on you find why I considered this point to be so significant. On January 31,1865, Congress passed Amendment Thirteen. This amendment was passed to abolish slavery everywhere in the United States (with the exceptions of the Border States) and give Congress the power to enforce this outcome by an appropriate legislation. After this law was passed, slave owners did not tell their slaves that they were set free. Due to the fact that the slaves were set free, this took away from the South’s economic way of living. The slaves help with the agriculture and they provided for their masters. Since they were free it was hard for their owners to adapt and take their place. Many slaves reacted very cautiously because they were testing their boundaries of this new law. While others left their masters and went searching for their families. Since these slaves did not have anything when coming out of slavery, they needed things to provide them for their way of living. This was when Congress created the Freedman’s Bureau on March 3,1865 but did not get passed as a law until July of 1866. This Bureau was an agency that provided slaves with food and medical services. They built a number of schools and colleges. In fact, Howard University in Washington, D.C. was established. They also consulted with the old slave masters to provide employment for the freed slaves. All of these things had developed in four years. In the year of 1866, The Civil Right s Act was passed. This law gave blacks their rights as citizens and legal equality with everyone in the country, with the exceptions of political rights. This law entitled blacks, with the same right in every state. If anyone discriminated against these blacks, they were sent ... Free Essays on Struggles Throughout History Free Essays on Struggles Throughout History In this paper you will read my important points that I have chosen. The points that I have chosen were, Amendment Thirteen, The Freedman’s Bureau, The Civil Rights Act of 1866, and The Ku Klux Klan. As you read on you find why I considered this point to be so significant. On January 31,1865, Congress passed Amendment Thirteen. This amendment was passed to abolish slavery everywhere in the United States (with the exceptions of the Border States) and give Congress the power to enforce this outcome by an appropriate legislation. After this law was passed, slave owners did not tell their slaves that they were set free. Due to the fact that the slaves were set free, this took away from the South’s economic way of living. The slaves help with the agriculture and they provided for their masters. Since they were free it was hard for their owners to adapt and take their place. Many slaves reacted very cautiously because they were testing their boundaries of this new law. While others left their masters and went searching for their families. Since these slaves did not have anything when coming out of slavery, they needed things to provide them for their way of living. This was when Congress created the Freedman’s Bureau on March 3,1865 but did not get passed as a law until July of 1866. This Bureau was an agency that provided slaves with food and medical services. They built a number of schools and colleges. In fact, Howard University in Washington, D.C. was established. They also consulted with the old slave masters to provide employment for the freed slaves. All of these things had developed in four years. In the year of 1866, The Civil Right s Act was passed. This law gave blacks their rights as citizens and legal equality with everyone in the country, with the exceptions of political rights. This law entitled blacks, with the same right in every state. If anyone discriminated against these blacks, they were sent ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Understanding Stratified Samples and How to Make Them
Understanding Stratified Samples and How to Make Them A stratified sample is one that ensures that subgroups (strata) of a given population are each adequately represented within the whole sample population of a research study. For example, one might divide a sample of adults into subgroups by age, like 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 and above. To stratify this sample, the researcher would then randomly select proportional amounts of people from each age group. This is an effective sampling technique for studying how a trend or issue might differ across subgroups. Importantly, strata used in this technique must not overlap, because if they did, some individuals would have a higher chance of being selected than others. This would create a skewed sample that would bias the research and render the results invalid. Some of the most common strata used in stratified random sampling include age, gender, religion, race, educational attainment, socioeconomic status, and nationality. When to Use Stratified Sampling There are many situations in which researchers would choose stratified random sampling over other types of sampling. First, it is used when the researcher wants to examine subgroups within a population. Researchers also use this technique when they want to observe relationships between two or more subgroups, or when they want to examine the rare extremes of a population. With this type of sampling, the researcher is guaranteed that subjects from each subgroup are included in the final sample, whereas simple random sampling does not ensure that subgroups are represented equally or proportionately within the sample. Proportionate Stratified Random Sample In proportional stratified random sampling, the size of each stratum is proportionate to the population size of the strata when examined across the entire population. This means that each stratum has the same sampling fraction. For example, let’s say you have four strata with population sizes of 200, 400, 600, and 800. If you choose a sampling fraction of  ½, this means you must randomly sample 100, 200, 300, and 400 subjects from each stratum respectively. The same sampling fraction is used for each stratum regardless of the differences in population size of the strata. Disproportionate Stratified Random Sample In disproportionate stratified random sampling, the different strata do not have the same sampling fractions as each other. For instance, if your four strata contain 200, 400, 600, and 800 people, you may choose to have different sampling fractions for each stratum. Perhaps the first stratum with 200 people has a sampling fraction of  ½, resulting in 100 people selected for the sample, while the last stratum with 800 people has a sampling fraction of  ¼, resulting in 200 people selected for the sample. The precision of using disproportionate stratified random sampling is highly dependent on the sampling fractions chosen and used by the researcher. Here, the researcher must be very careful and know exactly what he or she is doing. Mistakes made in choosing and using sampling fractions could result in a stratum that is overrepresented or underrepresented, resulting in skewed results. Advantages of Stratified Sampling Using a stratified sample will always achieve greater precision than a simple random sample, provided that the strata have been chosen so that members of the same stratum are as similar as possible in terms of the characteristic of interest. The greater the differences between the strata, the greater the gain in precision. Administratively, it is often more convenient to stratify a sample than to select a simple random sample. For instance, interviewers can be trained on how to best deal with one particular age or ethnic group, while others are trained on the best way to deal with a different age or ethnic group. This way the interviewers can concentrate on and refine a small set of skills and it is less timely and costly for the researcher. A stratified sample can also be smaller in size than simple random samples, which can save a lot of time, money, and effort for the researchers. This is because this type of sampling technique has a high statistical precision compared to simple random sampling. A final advantage is that a stratified sample guarantees better coverage of the population. The researcher has control over the subgroups that are included in the sample, whereas simple random sampling does not guarantee that any one type of person will be included in the final sample. Disadvantages of Stratified Sampling One main disadvantage of stratified sampling is that it can be difficult to identify appropriate strata for a study. A second disadvantage is that it is more complex to organize and analyze the results compared to simple random sampling. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ethical Considerations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 44
Ethical Considerations - Case Study Example Bad relations lead to often conflicts among people. In addition, the supervisor should have come up the training program to impart knowledge to all the officers on the diversity management. This will enable all the officers to appreciate globalization and more so, to maximize different knowledge, skills, and abilities from different people. With this knowledge of understanding others, he could have requested people to keep quiet instead of commanding them. By so doing, there could be no violence between the two parties. The supervisor should have given Burn an assistant officer with whom they could work together. This could reduce the possibility of Burn conflicting with the people in the party since the other officer could prevent the conflict. During research on the weakness of the officer, the supervisor should observe privacy. This is the natural right of an individual that is the foundation of legal right. This is very important to all persons because it is the necessary condition of all other freedom and personal autonomy. The administration should understand that there is the relationship between privacy, freedom and human dignity. The supervisor shouldn’t have deployed Burn to a smaller area. This is viewed as discrimination. This brings a lot of dissatisfaction among the officers or any employee leading to increased conflict as a way to release the stress. To reduce this supervisor could conduct regular training to the officers (McCarthy, 2005). The policies that the supervisors shou ld put in place include communication policies, motivational talks, training policies and dismissal policies showing the procedure through which an officer may be dismissed. Through these, officers could behave ethically at all times. In my opinion, the officers, the supervisor and the people partying are all liable for their negligence.
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