Tuesday, December 24, 2019
An Evaluation Of An Innovative Contribution Of My Work
Research Statement Mohamad S Hasan Modern technological advancements in automated data production have produced a large increase in the scale and resolution of data sets. In a statistical context, more information generates more hypothesis tests and opens new dimensions to discover the targeted questions. However, many of the tests are redundant and, hence, reduce the efficiency of the analysis. One potential solution to this problem is using external information to prioritize the hypothesis tests most likely to yield true positive effects. One means of doing so is p-value weighting. Many statistical methods have been proposed to up-weight and down-weight the p-value in a multiple hypotheses setting. None of them are satisfactory, which necessitate extensive research in this area. My methodological and theoretical research as well as a considerable portion of my applied work addresses this issue with regard to high throughput and big data. An innovative contribution of my work is the establishment of a new perspective on the analysis of high throughput data for which relative effect sizes are very low and the true effect is hard to detect with the usual statistical analysis, although external sources of information suggests otherwise. We proposed a method referred to as â€Å"Novel Optimal P-value weighting for High Throughput Data†. Many studies have that suggested diverse methodologies regarding the p-value weighting. Even though, theoretically, these approaches proposeShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Southern Mississippi848 Words  | 4 Pagesaccept this personal statement as a part of my application for the doctoral program in criminal justice starting the fall semester of 2016. The University of Southern Mississippi is my ideal location for the achievement of a doctoral degree. I would like to demonstrate my knowledge, experience, and research ability in the field of criminal justice and correctional studies. Having majored in the discipline as a former graduate student, I wan t to further my education to assist and promote future changesRead MoreManaging Entreprise On Health Care Sector1697 Words  | 7 Pageshealth care sector. Moreover, social entrepreneurs, use their innovative ideas to solve society’s most pressing social problems and issues and suggest new ideas and interventions for a change that leads to success. Apart from these changes also brings new opportunities and provide most suitable risk management strategies to create a better and healthy environment. In this assignment I would like to submit a report of entrepreneurship to my senior management in a mental health care sector where I workedRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards930 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) within my school environment. Based on the information in Issues in K-12 Education Case Study Document 5, there are numerous issues concerning CCSS that a principal must consider for their school to be successful. These issues include: federal jurisdiction over curricula, the time allotted for implementation of federal standards, the impact of test results on professional development and teacher evaluations, and the possible elimination of other essentialRead MoreA Basic Assessment of Hildegard Peplaus Theory Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesBy giving nurses a sense of identity, nursing theory can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize the unique contribution that nurses make to the healthcare service (Draper 1990).Hildegard Peplau, one of the role model of nursing theorist, established a theory of interpersonal relationships in nursing. Her reason is the goal of the nurse-client relationship is to give a quality nursing care moving forward to health promotion and maintenance. 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Through review of the 2010 census, I discovered that there is approximately 326 square miles of land in the county and population of 94,565 people (CityRead MoreEnvironmental Impact On The Environment1581 Words  | 7 PagesMade in Brunel products are thought to be the most innovative products around the global. Its quality is of high standards and can be accepted all over. Made in Brunel is composed of engineers and experts with experience who showcase a product that is tailored to make the difference in the life of people. The temperature twisted kettle is of high quality and meet the Made in Brunel standards. This kettle is portable, robust and durab le. As Made in Brunel (2011) stated; Consumers are increasinglyRead MoreBest practices in ensuring quality, speed, and flexibility in organization.1534 Words  | 7 Pagesrisk management, record management training, and document management. Along with providing a brief summary of each practice, I will be identify an organization using each practice, and I will then evaluate my own organization based on these practices and offer recommendations for converting my organizations existing practices to one or more of the practices found in the research. Part A Total quality management (TQM) Total quality management (TQM) is the holistic approach that covers all aspectsRead MorePersonality and Decision-Making Essay1686 Words  | 7 Pagesapplication of personality theories. According to Chapman (2012), â€Å"Personality theories are immensely helpful in achieving greater self-awareness, and in helping yourself and others to develop personal potential, effectiveness and fulfillment, at work and in life as a whole†(p. 1). Moreover, there are exhaustive personality theories available that concentrate on various aspects of human personality (Chapman, 2012). For example, personality traits theory seeks to define personality based on the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Motivational Essay Free Essays
Motivational Essay What is â€Å"Motivation†? Motivation means the desire to do something, or having interest or drive. People need motivation to do things that they have no interest or drive to do. For me as an example, I need motivation to get up early every morning, to go to school, or even going to the gym. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivational Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I used to have problems doing things because I never had any motivation to do anything, No friends to be there when I needed them. They we’re always busy. So I had to figure out something. I searched many ways to bring my life to order, Some of them worked in the short run, but nothing truly fulfilled the requirement of life peace. A few months ago this all began to change. I started a daily workout schedule; I have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week , I’ve been going for almost a year. I started a healthy diet, I don’t eat out as much as I used to. I used to eat McDonald’s, Burger king , Carl’s Jr. very day . Now all my food is home cooked, and I quit smoking cigarettes because I have asthma and also did it, to better my health, and to this day it has brought stability to my personal life as well as my social life . I also decided to change up my studying habits in which it helped me motivate myself. Developing better study habits will help me with my course of study because it will better prepare me for any assignments or exams that are given in the future. In the past, and even sometimes now I have had a frequent problem of procrastination, and because of this I lack both rest and preparation to either finish my homework or do well on my tests. Beginning either my studies or assignments early on will help me drastically because dividing the workload within several days will help me retain information more effectively, as compared to all in one night. In conclusion of it all, I figured out my balance to life. I overcame my motivational barrier and prove to everyone that only I can, (as my own personal source) be the only one to change my life up and change for the better. How to cite Motivational Essay, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Socrates in Apology free essay sample
A paper which analyzes Socrates philosophy on life and death using Platos Apology. The paper shows how Socrates philosophy on life and death is seen so clearly through Platos Apology. It describes the event where Socrates is charged of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens and shows how in his speech Socrates gives his reasons for his so called Socratic method, and the impassioned self-defense of Socratic way of life. Thus for Socrates a wise man is the one who knows about his ignorance, because he knows that he does not know anything. That is why we never see Socrates advocating anything in any of his dialogues and he doesnt expose his interlocutors ignorance in order to prove himself right or about his own doctrine. Socrates say that he doesnt know the answer either and that he is questioning that someone might provide him with better answers. We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates in Apology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some take this claim to ignorance to be irony but I think there is strong evidence that he is sincere in his search for truth.
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